Price Market Research Case Study: Imagery analysis software for UAV market    

Insitu Boeing Scan Eagle UAV

Disclaimer: The following Price Market Research example is a case study of a fictitious client (an amalgamation of clients) and it's software product created for the Defence / Defense market.

Any resemblance to a specific real company is completely coincidental. The software prices are chosen arbitrarily for illustration purposes only. The case study does however explain the value of price research and the necessary product and service requirements for a price skimming policy.

What’s in a name you might say?

Having the name Bruce Dwyer I was personally interested in seeing if there are any similarities between people who hold the same first and last name as me.

These people were primarily contacted via ‘Facebook’ and the results of a simple survey are given below. But before I get into any analysis it is useful to see some history of the two names.

I have been monitoring the gluten free online market since Gluten Free Pages began mid 2008. This article is the culmination of that research and in particular the growth and changes of the leading markets around the world over 2009.

This research primarily uses the Google data sets which are normalized to take account of each country’s internet penetration and Google market share.The full article including extra graphs and tables can be found on [ now defunct site] in the Original Articles section.



celiac age sex demographics

This article is a fragments of the article I created for . For the full story and all graphs, please visit the sites Original Articles page.

One of the 'age old' questions among people with celiac disease or gluten intollerance has been, who gets celiac disease? And even 'why are all celiacs middle aged women?'  This market analysis looks at what research is available online and what online analysis methods I could use to see if there is an age or sex bias towards diagnosed celiacs.

Global Gluten Free Market Analysis

INTRODUCTION: This client required articles to be created for their website with breakthrough original content. As I knew very little about this topic and there was no specific information on search engines about the global state of gluten free products I looked at this project as a personal challenge. The client and I have found this project one of the most rewarding projects that I have undertaken.


HISTORY: I have worked full time in a marketing and analyst capacity at several leading recruitment companies. These companies work in an interesting industry where the P/E ratios are very low relative to other industries meaning that for a given revenue, they can only be sold for a relatively low multiple of yearly earnings. They also have very low physical assets, low entry barriers and high staff turnover.

Being directly tied to the health of the economy and the unemployment rate, a recruiter’s fortunes can fade quickly making quite a few of the larger players look towards developing other markets to stabilize their income.

Supermarket trolley market share

NEED: This has been one of the more unusual market analysis requests. A client had a product that they believe could revolutionize the shopping trolley market, but they had no idea about the size or dynamics of the market.

This may seem at odds to the marketing promise of ‘finding a need and then making a product or service to meet that need’. Although in recently technology developments in materials, internet and general communications connectivity has meant that there are a lot more solutions out there looking to solve problems. 


In late 2005 a client was interested in developing a product / service for cattle stations (ranches) in Australia. The product was based on services applicable to individual cattle so market analysis was required to understand all the standard market size issues and the value of the cattle to the owners.

Market penetration was based on the ability to reach different segments (farm sizes), cost of marketing, the variance of applications, development of marketing collateral etc. The report also estimated a suitable retail sales price based on the market size and what the market would accept. This price included a cost breakdown of all company cost and a forecast of net profit for the first three years.

Market Analysis

This section explores the market analysis work that I have performed for start ups. This work was often exploratory in nature and is not confidential.


I created a market analysis report for a client interested in entering a niche section of the consumer pet market in 2005. In 2007 I was contacted again to provide a second report that had updated market analysis information as well as market development work prior to them committing to costly product development.

This report was a detailed atypical assignment in that they required research and analysis of the market to a level that included final product price, yearly growth and penetration estimates for Melbourne and Sydney. A more challenging part of this project was the need to tie revenues to consumer residential locations (density) as this would affect the level of service resources they would need to provide.